Tonight (Feb 27th) from 6:30 to 8:30 there will be games at the church for the whole family. So round up the crew, bring a treat to share if you'd like, and come and have a fun night out with the family! Make sure you tell your neighbor about it.
If you had 3 uninterrupted hours all to yourself, what would you do?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Okay, I have a great link to the sale at Albertsons. Click Here. She explains how to get the most out of the sale. I went today and got 50 different items and in the end I only paid $24. AWESOME!
Don't forget our activity tonight! There will be food, fun, and friends and you will go home with some great new ideas and new ways of looking at your Crisco!
Don't forget about the Demo Kitchen on Tuesday February 10th at6:00 p.m. This is a great place to get new ideas for dinner for you and your family. It is usually about an hour and you get to learn how to make a new dish, sample several other dishes, and take home a page of new recipes! This month will be all about potatoes.
Monday, February 2, 2009
UFO Night!
Tomorrow night, Tuesday February 3rd at Megan's house (1220 Meadowbrook). Bring a project you have been working on ie: scrapbook page, hair bows, thank you cards, baby books, journal, etc. 6:30-9:30 p.m.
P.S. A plate of goodies to share is always welcome!
Welcome! We are in the process of building the blog right now, so be sure to check back for new posts and fun stuff. This will be a resource for all the information you need on events, activities, fun stories, inspiration, and more.
If you'd like to be able to make new posts to the blog, e-mail